Have you taken time to look at our country lately? The United States of America is declining. Our once great government has been corrupt by its own power and money. Our past congress, senate, and presidential leaders were righteous men with good intentions for America. Today, I’m fearful that we are just voting for the least corrupt person who will mess up the least. I am praying that come November we, as a country, can choose a good man or woman to lead us back to our former greatness. I am worried that if we don’t start being wiser about who we elect into power our country may continue declining.
America still has the world’s largest economy and by far has the largest military. Although, those were formed decades ago when we were ranked first in math and science. Now America’s high schools are ranked 17th in the world in science and 25th in math. There are something’s we are number one in, although they are not very prestigious. We have the most crime among all the rich countries of the world and more national debt than any other country in the world. The United States of America’s national debt is at a tremendous 14.6 trillion dollars and is increasing daily. We have to do something to bring America out of this dangerous decline.
Right now America’s unemployment rate is 9.1%. The government needs to find a way to create jobs without putting us deeper in debt. America had thousands of factories, now they have moved to poor countries so they can have cheap labor. If America raised the tariffs on imports then American factories would be able to compete with the cheap foreign prices. Thus, America could make more factories, which means more jobs.
Another reason we have a 9.1% unemployment rate is because the government gives too much away. A majority of the people getting government handouts are drug users or people that are too lazy to get a job. So they use drugs, live in free government housing, eat free food provided by the government, and raise their children to live the same way. Also the 13.9 million people drawing unemployment doesn’t really help with our countries debt.
Why is America still fighting in the Middle East? Since 2001 the United States of America have spent 1.24 trillion dollars on this war. With America being 14.6 trillion dollars in debt, our country can’t afford to stay there any longer. Now the United States has made a lot of progress in the Middle East. This war has made our armed forces the most well trained in the world. Also, last month United States Navy Seals killed Osama Bin Laden, the most dangerous terrorist in the world. Although, the Taliban is still at large and since they have their peoples support they cannot be completely wiped out. Our country has put our sweat, money, and blood into stopping terrorists and now I think it’s time to pack and leave so the Middle Eastern countries can try to fix themselves while we try to fix our own declining country.
America is in a huge decline. Our country is first in national debt and 1 in every 11 people doesn’t even have a job. Our government has to do something to stop us from continuing to decline. That is why everyone has to do their part. Everyone has to work hard at their job and really look at who we vote for in political campaigns. If we all do this then America will be out of the recession and be back to prospering in no time.