I believe that there is always room for compromise and that things are best in moderation. The politics in our country have lost their purpose and have become so polluted that they cause more problems for the country than good. Elected officials are supposed to do what is best for the people they represent and to do what is best for the country overall, but our system has become so skewed with partisanship and personal agendas that the people who voted for those officials are the real ones who suffer. Am I supposed to believe that it is either what the Republicans want or what the Democrats want? And that no middle ground exists and when a person, such as Newt Gingrich, proposes a moderate idea and doesn’t align with the radical wing of his party, that he is destroyed and hung out to dry? Why don’t we go back to how things were meant to be and forget parties and put people in power who can think for themselves and the country instead of for an elephant or an ass.
Take illegal immigration for example. What I believe to be the best solution would be combining both parties’ agendas. Why not crack down on illegal immigration while providing a path for those already here to become legal so that they don’t have to live in fear. Hell, they beat our system. No need to be sore losers. From my experience working over the summer at a catering company, Hispanics are some of the hardest working people I have ever met. It would be one thing if illegal immigrants snuck here and then slacked off, but instead they come here for a better life and the chance to have a better job, just like the rest of America. Or the 9/11 responder bill is another case of government ludicrousness. It provides health benefits to the men and women who bravely responded that day, but only after they undergo a background check to make sure they aren’t terrorists. Some of the bravest heroes in America who need help can get it, but only if we make sure they aren’t terrorists. This happens to no other group in the country except for the least likely group. Why not have a government where common sense ideas are made and people can talk together instead of yelling across party lines?